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버클리 음대 전액 장학생 Anna Lee의 inBerklee 특강!!!

by targetmusic 2012. 8. 17.



전액장학생(President Scholarship)

 Anna Lee

inBerklee 특강

Anna Lee 선배님은 지금
 버클리음대 3학년에 재학중인데 

버클리입학을 준비하는 
학생들을 위해 
방문할 예정입니다. 

Anna Lee 선배님은 
Dual major(복수전공)으로 
Contemporary Writing & Production 과
Performance  (보컬) 을 
하고 있고 

현재 ensemble rating 은 5로 
상당히 높은 편입니다. 


한국의 전액장학생은 강채리양(2011년 전액장학생)만 알려져 있고 
보컬은 다른 악기에 비해 장학금을 받기 힘들다는 루머가 있지만 
전혀 그렇지 않다는 것을  

Anna Lee양(2010년 전액장학생)이 

시간을 내셔서 
한국을 방문합니다. 

Vocalist Anna Sun Lee from East Brunswick, New Jersey was raised in a musical family; her father an orchestra conductor and her mother an organist.  Born in Long Island, NY with a perfect pitch, her parents became aware of her talent as a singer by the way she cried as a baby; her vibrant sound filling the room pleasantly with sound rather than piercing one's ears. Lee began playing the piano at the age of five and won first place at a piano competition sponsored by Korea Times in 2000.   At the age of twelve, Lee began playing the violin and became involved in the school orchestra and moved up to first chair within a year.  After dazzling the guests at her sister's wedding in 2007 with her vocal talents, Lee chose to become more serious about her singing. Lee was features in the Korea Times in year 2008, due to her prolific career performing at charity events, church and school events. Music is at the center of Lee's life, whether it was at school, church or being involved in community service.  During her senior year in high school, Lee auditioned for the Region II Chorus of New Jersey and ranked first place. For the last four years, Lee has remained a leader on the praise team at America Wheat Mission, an organization for the disabled.  Her hard work for the disabled and her devotion to America Wheat Mission allowed her to be awarded with the President's Volunteer Service Award. She is excited to continue to study and hone her craft as a vocalist.


한국의 inBerklee가 

Anna Lee (한국이름 : 이선) 
선배님의 강연을 

특별하게 마련하였습니다


8월18일 토 pm5
학교생활 이야기 

8월22일 수 pm8 

양일에 걸쳐 

여러분이 가장 궁금해하는 것들에 대해
이야기해줄 것입니다. 

얼마남지 않은 
여러분의 오디션에 
큰도움이 될것입니다. 

많은 참여바랍니다. 



선착순 네명에 한하여 
Anna Lee 선배님이 
15분동안 개인 클리닉(오디션준비, 질의응답)을 
해주실  예정입니다. 

시간관계상 모든 학생들을
하긴 힘드므로 
희망하는 학생은 미리
신청해주시기 바랍니다.